Our accreditations and memberships are a testament to the quality of our service and our commitment to maintaining high standards.
Our commitment is regularly evaluated by multiple accredited organisations through rigorous and thorough audits.

The National Federation of Demolition Contractors is the only UK federation in the demolition industry and brings together some of the biggest names in demolition amongst its membership.
The most powerful voice in the demolition industry, the NFDC has championed the standards and professionalism of its members for more than 75 years.
Backed up with regular member site audits and appropriate training from the NFDC’s partnered provider, the NDTG, ensures that expertise is maintained and reinforced.
NFDC’s added value lies in the peace of mind and reduced risk it provides to anyone planning or commissioning a demolition project.
National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC)

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the sole National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom. Cawarden is certified under the internationally recognised and trusted quality management systems, ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environmental and ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety and SSIP.
UKAS Certification

SafeContractor delivers a tailored health and safety accreditation allowing contractors to showcase their capabilities to potential customers. To gain a health and safety accreditation contractors submit their details on an online platform and complete an assessment once a year, promoting their business to hundreds of organisations. SafeContractor has a community of over 33,000 like-minded contractors and use the SafeContractor badge to enhance their business profile and demonstrate compliance.
Alcumus SafeContractor

Builder’s Profile is the open-access Common Database service providing compliance and PQQ information to the construction industry.
Builder’s Profile

CITB is the industry training board for the construction sector in England, Scotland and Wales. CITB helps the construction industry attract talent and to support skills development, to build a better Britain.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a not-for-profit, independently managed organisation that supports and guides positive change in the construction industry.
The Scheme is voluntary. Those registered with the Scheme make a commitment to conform to the Code of Considerate Practice and work to raise their standards above and beyond it.
Considerate Constructors Scheme

Constructionline is the UK’s largest register for pre-qualified contractors and consultants. In terms of efficiency, time and cost-saving, as well as best practice, Constructionline is proven to deliver for public and private sector organisations alike.

CQMS has been a Registered Member of the Safety Schemes in Procurement Forum (SSIP) for over 5 years and is dedicated to promoting higher health and safety standards within the industry. Certification with CQMS Safety-Scheme ensures companies are assessed in accordance with the SSIP Core Criteria, an industry recognised standard, demonstrating compliance with UK health and safety standards.
CQMS have supported Clients with their Supply Chain Management since 1999 providing external services for some of the largest construction companies in the UK.
CQMS Safety-Scheme

With over 40 years’ experience of designing and delivering high-quality training programmes covering the breadth of the demolition industry from Operative to Manager. NDTG is the only issuer of the industry recognised and highly acclaimed CCDO smart cards. NDTG offers open courses from their specialist training centre based in Hemel Hempstead and at venues nationwide, plus bespoke courses delivered on business premises.
National Demolition Training Group (NDTG)

Supply Chain Sustainability School covers all aspects of the built environment, and focus on eight main topics; Sustainability, Digital, FIR, Lean Construction, Management, Offsite, People and Procurement.